For all your professional shipments

Are you looking for a partner to take care of all your urgent, delicate or valuable shipments? Rely on SPRINTR in 3 easy steps. Create your order and closely track your shipment!

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What can SPRINTR do for you?

When you're in a tight spot…

An important contract or document? No time to deliver it yourself
Need to transport a fragile model? Too delicate…
Forgot your laptop at a meeting? What to do?

In any possible situation that requires a professional courier service, our SPRINTRs are at your service.

… and if you can't ship it yourself…

Spend your money wisely and your time even wiser. We deliver all possible shipments, enabling you to focus on your work. No matter how small, large, valuable, trivial or important your shipment is.


…then you can rely on SPRINTR!

The latest solution for each shipment? That’s SPRINTR. Find out here how much money you can save.


The courier service that tailors to your company’s every need


Send your package in 3 simple steps

Temporary Launch Action

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